One of my first posts was (more or less) about trying to pick through the hoards of content online to find the stuff worth reading on a regular basis, and I received some positive feedback from reader Gen, who said, in part:
I don't normally 'blog' or read blogs on a regular basis, as I juggle a full-time job, a full-time 'mommy' job and a full-time business on a daily basis [...] (But) your blog has inspired me to become subscribed to more blogs, and you've guided me in the right direction with your favorites list. You have already done some homework for me: 'sifting through the mounds of garbage to find the true gems worth reading'. I now might actually have time to read some, at least the good ones. [The full comment is here.] (By the way, Gen is part of an enthusiastic startup team here in Ottawa that has launched a new site called, which smartly aims to fill a market void and be the MLS equivalent for new home sales. Lookout for a piece on their company soon over on my Tracking Construction Trends Blog)
I am both flattered by that comment and glad I was able to help her (and hopefully others) with the very real problem of information overload online, which is why I wanted to offer content filtering services to you in an even more direct way. How?
Well, as I mentioned in that first post, I follow all my favourite blogs via RSS in Google Reader. Using Reader's built-in Share function, I end up creating my own custom feed of my favourite items as I go along each day. And as of now, you can let me do the dirty work for you too!
If you look in the sidebar over there on the right, and scrolllll down, you will now see a new widget called "My Favourite Recent Posts from Across The Web," and it will display a preview of the posts I most recently enjoyed, and thought you might, too. I also include my own posts in this feed for other reasons, so you will notice some duplication in that regard, but the majority of the posts are the best of the best from other bloggers that I follow regularly.
I hope you find this new addition to the site helpful in finding the content that is worth spending your time on and filtering out the stuff that isn't. As always, feedback and suggestions are welcome in the comments!
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