About Me And This Blog

Posted by Daniel Smith | 5:00 AM | | 0 comments »

My name is Daniel Smith and welcome to my home on the web. Come on in, grab a cup of coffee, and stay awhile. Since you asked (how kind of you), I'll tell you a bit about myself. 

Who Am I?

In a nutshell, I am a blogger, an entrepreneur and a writer. I'm interested in all things related to technology, productivity hacks, marketing, sales and writing. I love when people are clever and witty, and I am a stickler for a good pun.  For fun, I like to read, write and play soccer both in and outdoors. 

I once owned and operated a painting company called (creative genius that I am) Daniel Smith Painting. Then I transitioned into a career in sales and marketing, working first for a dynamic startup and most recently for a niche construction publishing company. Before, after and between these gigs (and to some extent during, for residual accounts), I have also maintained two freelance marketing consultancies (which I am now doing full time):

MarkeTrades Consulting: Specializing in online and offline marketing and sales services including web optimization and content/logo creation, door-to-door canvassing direction and contract sales calls, directed at the construction and trades niche in Ottawa, Ontario; and

MoneyTree Marketing: A generalist (sorry, Sethonline and offline marketing services provider offering similar services to non-construction related businesses, both in Ottawa and elsewhere.

The web sites for both of these are currently down because they are being overhauled and moved, but new links will be up shortly. In the meantime, if you would like to contact me to inquire about my services and rates (or for any other reason), you can do so easily using the contact form here or by emailing me directly and I will get back to you promptly.

The Blog
I started this blog because writing is a lifelong passion of mine, and until I started writing here, it was one I hadn't pursued for the pure love of it in quite some time. So far, I am really enjoying it. I hope you are too.

I've called the blog Smithereens to connote an explosion of ideas - my fragmented thoughts on the arts of productivity, persuasion and prose. 

Oh...and also because my last name is Smith. See what I did there? As they say, there is nothing like a bad pun to keep 'em coming back.

Anyway, there you have it, that's me and this blog percolated for your pleasure, just like that coffee you must be polishing off by now. 

Thanks for stopping by, I hope to see you again soon.


Posted by Daniel Smith | 3:34 PM | 0 comments »